More Y-SNP calls from Stone Age Sweden

In the table below are links to enlarged sets of Y-SNP calls for seven Stone Age Swedish genomes.

Note that some of the samples have negative calls for some of the SNPs defining the haplogroups listed in the table. If those calls are false negatives, then the samples belong to the listed haplogroups as they are defined today. But if any of those negative calls are true negatives, then the samples are on a branch of the Y tree leading to the listed haplogroups as they are now defined.

Stora Förvar 11, a Mesolithic hunter-gatherer who lived on the small Swedish island of Stora Karlsö 7,500 years ago, belonged to haplogroup I1 or pre-I1. This is the earliest occurrence of I1 or pre-I1 that has ever been found.

The Stora Förvar 11 finding makes it clear that anyone who concluded on the basis of the five Motala samples (which were I2) that I1 was absent in Mesolithic Scandinavia would have been foolish in doing so, especially in light of the fact that I1 is the predominant Y haplogroup in Scandinavia. And yet David Reich, David Anthony, Eske Willerslev, Greg Cochran, David “Davidski” Wesolowski, J. Maciamo Hay, and countless moronic blog and forum commenters have come to the same kind of foolish conclusion in deciding that R1b was absent in Mesolithic Western Europe, based on only two Mesolithic Western European samples.

The pattern that is beginning to emerge is that Y haplogroups were present during the Mesolithic in the same places where the highest frequencies of those haplogroups are found today. The 7,500-year-old hunter-gatherer sample from Karelia, Russia belonged to R1a-M459, and the highest frequencies of R1a-M459 are found today in Northeastern Europe. The 7,500-year-old hunter-gatherer sample from Samara, Russia belonged to pre-R1b-M478, and the highest frequencies of R1b-M478 in Europe today are found in Northeastern Europe. And now we have the 7,500-year-old Stora Förvar 11 sample that belonged to I1 or pre-I1, from the same area where the highest frequencies of I1 are found today.

This pattern is only natural, and it’s exactly what would have been expected by any objective and reasonably intelligent person. But the above-listed people expect everybody to share their idiotic belief that this pattern applies to every Y haplogroup on Earth except for R1b-M269, which according to their ludicrous account of things was confined by some mysterious force to Eastern Europe until 3000 BC, many thousands of years after it originated, at which time the bulk of it was transferred to Western Europe by some magical process that created a frequency gradient in the opposite direction of what it should have been. The reality, of course, is that R1b-M269 originated in Western Europe in the descendants of the western Gravettians during the Paleolithic, and the highest frequencies of R1b-M269 have been found in Western Europe ever since.

Mesolithic    5500 BC  Stora Förvar 11  I1-M253         calls
Funnelbeaker  3000 BC  Gökhem 4         I2a1b1-L161.1   calls
Pitted Ware   2750 BC  Ajvide 52        I2a1a2a1-L1287  calls
Pitted Ware   2750 BC  Ajvide 58        I2a1a2a1-L1287  calls
Pitted Ware   2750 BC  Ajvide 59        I-M170          calls
Pitted Ware   2750 BC  Ajvide 70        I2a1a2a1-L1287  calls
Pitted Ware   2500 BC  Ire 8            I2a1b1a1-S2703  calls
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9 comments on “More Y-SNP calls from Stone Age Sweden
  1. it would be interesting to compare Y-SNP calls for the Stora Förvar 11 with the Y-SNP calls for the Hungarian LBKT BAB5 who is also labeled I1
    comparing both calls would give a clue which of both is more likely to be ancestral to I1

    it would be even more interesting to look for Y-SNP’s in both individuals which are not ancestral to ony present-day Y DNA to see how far both individuals are branched of from I1

  2. Matt says:


    My Y chromsome is I2a1a2a1a, maybe I’m descended from these Ajvide Pitted Ware HGs. There are a lot of us out there, primarily originating from the U.K. though.

  3. Greying Wanderer says:

    interesting post ty

  4. Pete says:

    Well done !
    Where can one obtain raw data file from Skolund ?

  5. Genetiker says:

    R1b was concentrated in Western Europe during the Paleolithic. During the most severe parts of the Last Glacial Maximum, it was more specifically concentrated in the Franco-Cantabrian refuge.

    Around the start of the Bølling-Allerød interstadial 15,000 years ago, some R1b-P297 spread to Eastern Europe, and that’s what ultimately gave rise to R1b-M478. And some R1b may have spread east at earlier times.

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